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Baby Massage is Medicine.

Parenthood is very rewarding, but it's also a hard work.

Looking after a baby can takes lots of energy, patience and emotional commitment. There are times you do not know what to do when your child is experiencing such difficulties like crying for long hours, poor sleeping, colic, constipation,

reflux, teething discomfort and etc...

Baby's health and safety is your priority. As a parent who is seeking a natural cures for your child, baby massage could be the answer. You will be the expert and therapist of your child to treat him/her with natural remedies such as touch therapy and massage.

At Magik Little Touch we create a comfortable environment for you to grow your parental confidence on how to handle your baby. It helps you to create a long lasting bond through nurturing massage techniques you learn.

Four week one-on-one private appointments are available to book. For further enquires please contact Florrie on 0478731052

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